

我们准备学生在许多实践领域茁壮成长, 从商业和公司法到公共政策和刑事和民事诉讼. 考虑到各种可能性, 我们的整体方法可以帮助您识别最适合您的兴趣的学术路径, 技能, 和野心. 下面是一些建议,在你设计自己的学习课程时要记住.



一种思考你的选择的方式是通过树的比喻:你第一年的基础课程代表一个蓬勃发展的根系, 你在几个领域的高级课程核心小组形成了坚实的主干, 更专业的课程从坚固的树干中延伸出来.



通过参加一些核心领域的入门课程来建立知识基础, 包括:

  • 行政法
  • 商业法
  • 刑法与刑事诉讼
  • 环境法和土地利用
  • 证据
  • 家庭法
  • 国际法
  • 知识产权
  • 劳动就业法



通过诊所继续加强你的太阳城官网和写作技能, 美国律师协会高级写作课程, 还有其他机会.

通过参加临床课程来提高你的实践技能, 校外实习期, 以及其他体验课程.

完成毕业和进入律师协会的课程要求, 包括职业责任课程.


一定要和你的导师讨论你选择的课程, 目前教授, 以及在你感兴趣的领域拥有专业知识的教授. 你还应该了解多州律师资格考试和各州律师资格考试都考哪些科目. 大多数司法管辖区还要求完成多州职业责任考试,作为参加律师资格考试和获准执业的先决条件. 一些司法管辖区还限制了可用于法律学位的临床或课外学分的数量. 





Start your business law studies with basic courses covering areas that consistently arise in modern business practice, 包括企业, 税收我, 担保交易与就业法. 如果你对知识产权感兴趣, 考虑申请版权, 专利, 商标课程. 如果你对公司或公司交易实务感兴趣, 以税务II和证券监管为例.

After you complete the basic courses, 增加你在商业法等特定领域的知识深度, 破产, 和证券. 然后通过学习提供实践经验或高级理论学习的高级课程来完成学业. 这些课程主要是为已经学过其他商法课程的3l学生设计的.



We recommend that all students seriously consider taking courses in criminal justice. 民事案件的客户通常需要关于某些行为是否可能招致刑事制裁的建议, 使刑法背景对所有律师都有价值. 刑事诉讼是一门基础课程,经常与刑法课程相辅相成. 对刑法感兴趣的学生也应该选修证据课. 刑事司法高级课程包括国际刑法, 精神卫生法, 青少年司法研讨会, 和国家安全法.



All students must fulfill the ABA six-credit 从实践经验中学习 requirement. Numerous courses develop experiential 技能 in the context of studying substantive law or simulating lawyering activities such as interviewing, negotiation, research, drafting transactional documents, and courtroom advocacy. Most BC Law students will fulfill the ABA six-credit 从实践经验中学习 requirement by taking Law Practice I and the spring 1L Experiential elective.  Those who take a non-experiential 1L elective must take 3 upper-level experiential credits. 学生 seeking to practice in jurisdictions that require additional Experiential electives (such as New York) will also need to take additional qualifying courses or complete “substitute credits” from a summer work experience.  Courses that satisfy the 从实践经验中学习 requirement are posted on the 选课网页.


Experiential education courses give students the opportunity to work on actual issues in a variety of settings under the supervision of practicing attorneys, judges, and faculty.

During clinical courses, students perform litigation or transactional activities while representing actual clients. In externship courses, students assist practicing lawyers in representing clients or observe judges in litigation.

The Massachusetts student practice rule allows 3L students to represent indigent clients and government agencies in both civil and criminal matters. 2L students are limited to civil representation. The student practice rule requires that a student be currently enrolled in or have successfully completed 证据 or Trial Practice. (We define “successfully completed” as obtaining a grade of C or better.)

Enrollment in all clinical courses is limited. 联系 the Center for 从实践经验中学习 for more information on clinical offerings.


If you’re interested in practicing family law, start with the introductory Family Law course. 那就去学习信托和遗产之类的课程, 遗产税及赠与税, 雇员福利法, 及家庭法律实务. 由于法律援助局处理的很多问题都涉及家庭事务,你也应该考虑到民事诉讼诊所就诊.


You may take up to 12 credits of graduate level, law-related courses and apply those credits toward your degree. Registration for these courses requires permission of each department. Note that although graduate level, law-related courses apply toward the 85 credits needed for graduation, only courses displaying “LAWS” in front of them are included in your official law school GPA.

联系 Student & Academic Services if you are interested in taking a graduate level, law-related course outside of the Law School.


As the increasing importance of technology makes intellectual property part of every business, 对大多数类型的实践感兴趣的学生可以在这些课程中找到有价值的见解. 如果你对技术感兴趣,知识产权尤其有用, 娱乐, 或出版.

You’ll build your foundation with our Intellectual Property Survey and basic courses like Copyright, 商标, 和专利法. 然后进入高级课程, 包括专利诉讼, 电信法律, 娱乐法律, 体育法律, 和艺术法.


The increasing globalization of society, 包括经济, 使国际法知识成为必要. 除了基本的国际法课程之外, 我们在这方面提供许多其他课程, 包括对外关系, 国际贸易, 欧盟法, 国际人权, 实习学期:伦敦/国际.

学生 interested in an international law practice should also consider participation in one of the law school’s
国际交流项目. Presently, the law school has exchange programs with the following institutions:

  • Trinity, Dublin, Ireland (English language program)
  • Sorbonne, Paris, France (French language program)
  • HEAD, Paris, France (English language program)
  • Bucerius, Hamburg, Germany (English language program)

These courses constitute an essential component of legal education and can be extremely practical as dramatic changes to the legal system continue to occur. 你必须至少选修一门涉及道德的课程, 哲学, 以及法律理论背后的文化前提以及如何最好地塑造和应用这些理论来促进一个更公正的社会. 符合这一要求的课程包括美国法律史, 美国法律理论, 法学, 比较法, 和信托法.


We recommend that all students seriously consider taking 证据. 学生 interested in litigation practice can focus on:

  • Traditional courses:&这些知识是成为一名出色的诉讼律师所必需的, 包括判例法, 法规, 以及诉讼规则. 教学方法主要是在课堂环境中对案例和规则进行分析. 例子包括证据, 联邦法院, 法律冲突, 民权诉讼, 及复杂民事诉讼.
  • Simulation courses:&这些课程强调诉讼技巧. 主要的教学方法是模拟练习和角色扮演. 例子包括试训, 上诉的宣传, 家庭法律实务, 民事诉讼实务, 和先进证据:审判异议.

Most lawyers’ careers will include alternative dispute resolution procedures. 我们涵盖这些程序的课程包括仲裁, 争端谈判, 国际仲裁, 和中介.


If you’re interested in land use law and environmental law, 考虑选修土地用途规划, 环境法律, 房地产金融, 行政法, 和地方政府法. 我们提供各种各样的选修课, 包括商业租赁课程, 有害物质规例, 空气和水污染法, 房地产法律, 为企业客户提供合规咨询.

If you’re interested in e状态 planning, 您可以通过完成信托和遗产,为不动产和个人财产以及财富转移的集中实践做好准备, 遗产税及赠与税, 雇员福利法, 及遗产规划.


The majority of modern legal practice is heavily weighted toward public law. 当地政府制定的规则, 状态, 联邦, 国际政府机构几乎在每一个实践领域主导着今天的大部分职能法.

We recommend that all students pursue sufficient studies in this area to feel comfortable with the processes of how laws are created and implemented in the modern administrative 状态. 至少参加一门课程,让你直接体验如何解释复杂的法规,并将其应用于公司或个人客户.

Courses in these areas include 行政法, 环境法律, 移民法, 比较宪法, 实习学期:DC.


Upper-level courses that emphasize research and writing are valuable because they encourage deeper understanding of material and build valuable professional 技能.

Find a list of courses satisfying the Upper-Level Writing requirement on the 选课网页.



在高级课程中,您必须注册12-17学分才能保持全日制学生身份. 你至少需要85个学分才能毕业.

第一年你应该修33个学分, 也就是说你在21年级和31年级要修满52个学分. 在你的21年级和31年级加起来,你必须从BC法律的课堂课程中获得至少31个学分. 这31个学分不能包括:

  • 实习学期及其他实习学分(研讨会部分除外)
  • 法律评论,UCC文摘,模拟法庭学分
  • 独立学习学分
  • 实习学期:都柏林-实习部分学分
  • 非BC法律双学位课程的学分
  • 在太阳城网赌平台其他部分或其他非法律学校或机构开设的课程




  • 正义与法律透视
  • ABA高级写作
  • 体验式学习学分(毕业要求6学分), 一些司法管辖区(如纽约)要求更多)

满足这些要求的课程列表可在 选课网页.