Instructors and Advisors

Al Dueck
Al Dueck
Psychology, Family Therapy
Fuller Theological Seminary

Al Dueck

Al Dueck

Psychology, Family Therapy

Fuller Theological Seminary

Alvin Dueck是心理学和神学整合的主席,也是富勒心理学太阳城官网生院的文化心理学杰出教授. He is a graduate of Stanford University. He was the recipient (with Dr. 韩布信)申请了一项资助,以支持中国宗教文化心理学太阳城官网,并鼓励与美国宗教心理学家的知识交流. He is the author (with Kevin Reimer) of A Peaceable Psychology.

Gregory Fried
Gregory Fried
Boston College

Gregory Fried

Gregory Fried


Boston College

Gregory Fried is a Professor of Philosophy at Boston College. 他的太阳城官网重点是捍卫自由民主传统,反对其批评者. 他最近的著作是《太阳城网赌平台》. 他目前的项目是制定一个争论的伦理:通过弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的镜头.

A. Taiga Guterres
A. Taiga Guterres
Jesuit Studies
Boston College

A. Taiga Guterres

A. Taiga Guterres

Jesuit Studies

Boston College

A. Taiga Guterres, LCSW是心理人文中心的太阳城官网成员 & Ethics at Boston College and the managing editor of the Jesuit Educational Quarterly at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies. He serves as the Program Chair for the Society for Theoretical Psychology & Philosophy and an editorial board member of Integratus: Journal of Catholic Psychotherapy.

William J Hendel, J.D.
William J Hendel, J.D.
Boston College

William J Hendel, J.D.

William J Hendel, J.D.


Boston College

William J. Hendel, JD is a teaching fellow and Ph.D. student in the Department of Philosophy at Boston College, who
specializes in ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. 他是《太阳城网赌平台》(misReading Plato)一书的共同编辑(与马修·克莱门特(Matthew Clemente)和布莱恩·科基亚拉(Bryan Cocchiara)合著,劳特利奇出版社,2022年出版)。.

Chris Higgins
Chris Higgins
Formative Education
Boston College

Chris Higgins

Chris Higgins

Formative Education

Boston College

克里斯·希金斯(Chris Higgins)协调了《变革教育太阳城官网》的项目,并共同指导了《太阳城网赌平台》. A philosopher of education, 希金斯试图阐明教与学的存在维度, defend the idea of education as a public good, and recall education to its humane roots. He has written on: the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship; action research and the philosophy of inquiry; ignorance and openmindedness; humanism and liberal learning; imagination and aesthetic education; practice and vocational formation, and the experimental tradition in higher education. His book, 美好的教学生活:职业实践的伦理(威利-布莱克威尔), 2011)提供了美德伦理的第一个系统扩展到有关工作和职业身份的问题之一. His current book project, entitled Humane Learning: Formative Essays on Educational Integrity, 是对形成性高等教育的问题和可能性的探讨吗.

Justin Karter
Justin Karter
Staff Psychologist
Boston College

Justin Karter

Justin Karter

Staff Psychologist

Boston College

Justin M. Karter, Ph.D. 他在马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校获得了咨询心理学博士学位. 他还拥有Point Park大学新闻学和社区心理学的太阳城官网生学位. 他曾担任联合国特别报告员Dainius Pūras的太阳城官网干事,致力于推进基于权利的全球精神卫生方法. His own research and writing span topics in the philosophy of psychology, critical psychology, critical disability/Mad studies, cross-cultural psychology, qualitative methods, and theories of counseling and psychotherapy. In his clinical work, Justin provides relational, humanistic-existential, and emotion-focused individual and group psychotherapy.

Richard Kearney
Richard Kearney
Boston College

Richard Kearney

Richard Kearney


Boston College

Richard Kearney holds the Charles B. 太阳城网赌平台哲学教授,并曾担任都柏林大学学院客座教授, the University of Paris (Sorbonne), the Australian Catholic University and the University of Nice. 他著有超过25本关于欧洲哲学和文学的书籍(包括三本小说和一本诗集),并编辑或合编了21本以上的书籍. His most recent publications include Anatheism (2012), Reimagining the Sacred (2015), Carnal Hermeneutics (2015), Twinsome Minds: An Act of Double Remembrance (2018), Touch (2022), and Salvage (2023).

M. Mookie C. Manalili
M. Mookie C. Manalili
Boston College

M. Mookie C. Manalili

M. Mookie C. Manalili


Boston College

M. Mookie C. Manalili is a psychotherapist, professor, and researcher. 在治疗方面,Mookie是一名私人执业的持牌临床社会工作者心理治疗师. 在教学方面,他也是太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院的兼职教师, teaching clinical courses like Narrative Therapy. In terms of research - he consults for the Morality Lab, a social psychology and neuroscience lab, and the burgeoning Center for Psychological Humanities and Ethics.

John Manoussakis
John Manoussakis
College of the Holy Cross

John Manoussakis

John Manoussakis


College of the Holy Cross

John Panteleimon Manoussakis is Associate Professor of Philosophy, 圣十字学院及澳洲天主教大学荣誉院士.

Zenobia Morrill
Zenobia Morrill
Clinical Psychology
William James College

Zenobia Morrill

Zenobia Morrill

Clinical Psychology

William James College


Donna Orange
Donna Orange
Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy
New York University

Donna Orange

Donna Orange

Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy

New York University

唐娜·奥兰治是纽约大学心理治疗和精神分析博士后项目的助理临床教授(兼职)和顾问/导师. Educated in philosophy, clinical psychology, and psychoanalysis, she is the author of numerous scholarly books, including 临床医生的思考:当代精神分析与人本主义心理治疗的哲学资源 (2010), The Suffering Stranger: Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice (2011), 滋养临床医生和人道主义者的内心生活:精神分析的伦理转向, and Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics (2016), and most recently, Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics: Learning to Hear (2020). Dr. 奥兰治也是杜肯大学(Duquesne University) 2021年的现象学客座教授.

Frank Richardson
Frank Richardson
Educational Psychology
University of Texas

Frank Richardson

Frank Richardson

Educational Psychology

University of Texas

Frank C. 理查森是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的教育心理学(荣誉退休)教授. He is the author or editor of several books, 包括重新设想心理学和对心理学的批判性思考, 并在理论心理学和社会科学哲学方面发表了多篇文章. 他是理论与哲学心理学学会(美国心理学会第24分会)的前任主席,并获得该学会颁发的杰出终身成就奖.

Steven J. Sandage
Steven J. Sandage
Boston University

Steven J. Sandage

Steven J. Sandage


Boston University

Steven J. Sandage, Ph.D., LP, 是阿尔伯特和杰西·丹尼森宗教和神学心理学教授在波士顿大学神学院和心理与脑科学学系任职. 他也是Danielsen太阳城官网所的太阳城官网主任和高级心理学家,也是MF挪威神学院宗教心理学的客座教授, Religion, and Society in Oslo. His recent books with the American Psychological Association (APA) include Forgiveness and Spirituality in Psychotherapy; Relational Spirituality in Psychotherapy; and Spiritual Diversity in Psychotherapy. 他也是丹尼尔森太阳城官网所的执业心理学家,临床专业包括夫妻和家庭治疗, multicultural therapy, and spiritually-integrative therapy.

Eric Severson
Eric Severson
Seattle University

Eric Severson

Eric Severson


Seattle University

埃里克·塞弗森是一位哲学家,专门太阳城官网伊曼纽尔·列维纳斯的作品. He is the author of Before Ethics (Kendall Hunt, 2021), Levinas's Philosophy of Time (Duquesne University Press, 2013), and Scandalous Obligation (Beacon Hill Press, 2011), and editor of eight other books. Severson teaches philosophy at Seattle University.

Frederick J. Wertz
Frederick J. Wertz
Psychology (Emeritus)
Fordham University

Frederick J. Wertz

Frederick J. Wertz

Psychology (Emeritus)

Fordham University

In 2020, 弗雷德里克从福特汉姆大学退休,搬到密歇根州,在那里他仍然担任名誉教授.  他继续在多所大学授课并指导论文, offer workshops, collaborate on research projects, serve APA governance on the Council of Representatives, and practice psychotherapy on a limited basis

Liane Young
Liane Young
Boston College

Liane Young

Liane Young


Boston College